Finding our true natures. Creating reciprocal relationships in the places where we live. Communing with the spirits within and around us. Learn More
Books, audio courses, journals, and subscriptions based on shamanism, meditation, psychospiritual and nature-based research help create meaningful, personal spiritual practices.
Shamanic Counseling ∴ Intuitive Consulting ∴ Energy Healing
Personal Evolution Counseling sessions combine shamanism, intuition and energy healing to provide a customized plan for spiritual healing, personal growth, and emotional well-being.
Join a gathering for shamanic journeying, creating strong energetic boundaries, connecting with spirit and nature, and creating community.
Learn at your own pace, in your own place. Practical guides to spiritual well-being.
One-on-one sessions for personal guidance, support, or spiritual work.
Introductions and deep explorations. Regular gatherings and periodic classes. WholeSpirit offers a wide range of courses and circles for you to explore in groups.
Enatured at The Trees: Feel the Spirit of Nature
I Don’t Love Valentine’s Day, Wabi-sabi, Breaking Up America
How Can I Help You? You’re Extraordinary!
Mara Bishop, M.S., Th.M., C.S.C., is an intuitive consultant, shamanic practitioner, teacher, author, and artist. She is the owner of WholeSpirit. In her private practice, Mara combines intuitive consultations, shamanic healing, shamanic counseling, Reiki, and Healing with Spiritual Light. Her Personal Evolution Counseling™ provides each client with an integrated approach to spiritual healing, personal growth and emotional well-being. More information about the services provided by WholeSpirit are on the Sessions pages. Learn more about Mara Bishop’s training and background on the About Mara page.